Thursday, May 19, 2016


Words should be chosen wisely
They can build up
Or tear down
Bond or break
Excite and entice
Or abhor and bore
The power of words is infinite
Yet we often fail to comprehend
The magnitude or attitude of what
We are putting forth to others
Finding that perfect word to describe an experience is like finding a lost puzzle piece.
Just the right amount of curves, edges, and corners that nothing else could fit nearly as well.
The wrong words, words that are hateful, demeaning, degrading, upsetting or rude, whether spoken or written cannot be taken back easily as an imprint is often left in the recipient 's mind. Please choose them wisely

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Moments intertwined

I feel happy to be and exist fully in the present
I question my purpose of even being
And hardly feel like I exist at all
There are moments I am proud of my accomplishments.
Moments I wonder what, in all these years
Have I actually accomplished, what have I done with my time
Moments of confidence
And moment after moment after moment of self doubt,
These moments, intertwine, each taking just a second or a minute, or 40+ years of my life. These moments are many, yet leave me yearning, for just a few more moments, for a few more chances, to get things right.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


It turns over and exposes, unearths a part of itself that has been up until this moment living in darkness it the cool damp ground.  It is frightening after first experiencing it's first bout of light and it desperately tries to burrow itself deeper into the Rocky soil until it can't go any further.  The sun is exposing it's vulnerabilities yet it cannot deny it feels a bit consoled basking in its radiant warmth, instinctively it knows it has a job to do and digs horizontally loosening up the soil, remembering that moment, but quickly resumes it's former position in its comfort zone.